Fereshteh Taerpour, the Producer, Writer and filmmaker Passed Away

Fereshteh Taerpour, the Producer, Writer and filmmaker Passed Away

Fereshteh Taerpour, the Producer, Writer and filmmaker Passed Away

Unfortunately we lost Fereshteh Tayerpour, the creator and producer of works such as "School of Old Men", "Golnar", "Chickpea" and "Patal and Little Dreams" in cinema, on the morning of August 17, 2021 due to the Corona virus.
In addition to cinema and literature, she also contributed to the translation of books for children, such as Bruno Marie's "Gray Elephant's Wish," Jill Tamilenson's "The Owl Afraid of the Dark," and Helen Bayesert's "The Lonely Fish." And has translated and introduced Eric Carl's work to the Iranian children which were all published by the Center of Intellectual Development of Children and Adolescents (KANOON). Some of Tayerpour's books, such as "The Story of Ahmad and the Hour", have also been turned into CDs.
Tayerpour has also collaborated as a judge in several international children festivals in Iran and different countries.
 CIFEJ offers its condolences the death of Fereshteh Tayerpour, a filmmaker and writer for children and adolescents, to all activists in this field, her colleagues and friends, as well as her family.
Here is the message about her from Mohsen Chiniforoushan, the Secretary General of CIFEJ:
“Dear Friends
I am upset and sad. A dear artist and good friend left us that burned our hearts. Fereshteh Taerpour spent her life serving children and making them happy. She had a rich taste, a powerful pen, a deep and correct knowledge of cinema and the world of childhood, and a kind heart who shone in every artistic and cultural gatherings.
In the last four decades, Ms. Taerpour has played a serious role in the production and introduction of Iranian children and adolescent cinema in the international and domestic arena, which should be appreciated.
She was one of the old and effective members of CIFEJ that we all have good and happy memories of her in the assemblies and boards of CIFEJ different periods of. I offer my condolences to her family and friends and pray that her soul will be happy and that her path will continue.”

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  • The Election of CIFEJ President and members of the Board was held online and via Election Buddy, on Sunday 27 of November 2022.
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