Letter of support - Festival Plein la Bobine - sent by the Secretary General and Executive Director of CIFEJ

Letter of support - Festival Plein la Bobine - sent by the Secretary General and Executive Director of CIFEJ


CIFEJ is an international center for the promotion of production and distribution of audio-visual media for children and young people, as well as research on, and exchange of experiences in this field.

CIFEJ supports festivals and media educators giving the children the opportunity to express themselves via camera by teaching them film aesthetics, vocabulary, history, production techniques, and critique as well as screening their films.

CIFEJ views the work of the Plein la Bobine-Sancy Film Festival as valuable to the development of quality in children's audio visual media.

CIFEJ will support the work of this festival promoting it through its website (www.cifej.com) and distributing its information to all members and friends of CIFEJ in all continents through its Panorama of children's film festival worldwide on its web site, and e-mail.

It is with great passion that we will support Plein la Bobine Festival as its role contributes to our attempts to make a stronger impact on international communities that are involved in the intellectual and artistic development of children and young adults.

We believe that this festival’s existence is extremely important in promoting excellence in films and videos for the children and young people of France, pursuing the goal of CIFEJ.

Yours Sincerely,

Mohsen Chiniforoushan / Secretary General of CIFEJ

Maryam Bafekrpour / Executive Director of CIFEJofooo 

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  • The Election of CIFEJ President and members of the Board was held online and via Election Buddy, on Sunday 27 of November 2022.
  • CIFEJ You Tube Channel (CIFEJ.NGO) Has Been Launched!